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Decimal Conversion Chart

Woodworkers like to think in fractions (well in the U.S. they do), but sometimes you need to convert it.  Below is a handy conversion chart to help with converting Fractions to Decimals.  Feel free to print this and place it in your shop.

Fraction Decimal Fraction Decimal
1/64 0.016 1/2 0.500
1/32 0.031 33/64 0.516
3/64 0.047 17/32 0.531
1/16 0.063 35/64 0.547
5/64 0.078 9/16 0.563
3/32 0.094 37/64 0.578
7/64 0.109 19/32 0.594
1/8 0.125 39/64 0.609
9/64 0.141 5/8 0.625
5/32 0.156 41/64 0.641
11/64 0.172 21/32 0.656
3/16 0.188 43/64 0.672
13/64 0.203 11/16 0.688
7/32 0.219 45/64 0.703
15/64 0.234 23/32 0.719
1/4 0.250 47/64 0.734
17/64 0.266 3/4 0.750
9/32 0.281 49/64 0.766
19/64 0.297 25/32 0.781
5/16 0.313 51/64 0.797
21/64 0.328 13/16 0.813
11/32 0.344 53/64 0.82
23/64 0.359 27/32 0.844
3/8 0.375 55/64 0.859
25/64 0.391 7/8 0.875
13/32 0.406 57/64 0.891
27/64 0.422 29/32 0.906
7/16 0.438 59/64 0.922
29/64 0.453 15/16 0.938
15/32 0.469 61/64 0.953
31/64 0.484 31/32 0.969
63/64 0.984
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